Monday, May 22, 2006


Holding on to things
accumulating sorrow
to ward off the pain


At 22 May, 2006, Blogger Arun Mukkath said...

Gee! thanks dude!
Count Opinoid, the opium 'tripped' count from a land beyond the yonder, wrote a few lines about a certain cat that went meander...

'...Till the cat found its way into an experiment at bay
It never really happened and it happened all the way
It can’t really live and it can’t really slay
Schrödinger’s cat, you miserable little twerp
Feline equality, you’re superposed to turn up either way!'
- Count Opinoid

At 22 May, 2006, Blogger Schrodingers cat said...


Its an honor to have you here. The poem has left me speechless.


At 23 May, 2006, Blogger Known Stranger said...

holding on the memories
inflicting the sorrow
a hope of memories
wash off the pain.

At 09 June, 2006, Blogger gautami tripathy said...

Just let go of sorrow
Happiness will get a passage
No doubt

At 11 July, 2006, Blogger silbil said...

love your poems...all of them.

At 27 June, 2007, Blogger Abishek Goda said...

Interesting viewpoint. I always agreed that holding on to things accumulated sorrow. But that it can ward off pain was little acknowledged..


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